Sitting across from this 17-year-old in his jail cell, hearing the plight of his younger girlfriend and baby on the way, we had to do something! He gave us her number, and we met her for lunch. She was visibly pregnant and obviously scared. We asked if she had any family support, or even a church family.
How could I go to church? You can hide your sin, but as soon as I walk through those doors, my sin is bulging out for everyone to see!
The last thing teen moms need is yet another lecture on “if you only would have.”
Through weekly fellowships and Bible studies, Her Hope girls learn that their baby is made in the image of God and has incredible purpose and value. As a community of young mothers, they discover the same is true for themselves.
Before they’ve developed the maturity to fully care for themselves, teen moms are thrust into a caretaker’s role.
We not only help them get diapers, but also teach them how to change one. Through Her Hope, they learn the necessary skills of self care, labor and delivery, parenting, cooking, healthy relationships, and much more.
When a teen discovers she is pregnant, she is often ostracized from her parents, community, and even her church. But this is a time when she needs more support than ever! That’s why we match Her Hope girls with “older mom” mentors who can love, model, and coach them through the ups and downs of motherhood.
Because ‘those kids’ have a name
“It’s so cool to watch somewhat selfish teens become some of the most selfless people I know, giving up parties and movies with friends to stay at home and love on their precious babies. They discover new hope and purpose!”